
Is you child ready to potty train?

We are often asked about when to start potty training. Our advice has been based on our our own experience as parents and that of our friends. Now we are delighted to be working with Katie Hilton who is a registered Midwife and Health Visitor and an expert on the subject. Here is an extremely helpful and thorough article about the signs you should be looking for in your child before you embark on Potty Training.

Registered Midwife and Health Visitor

“There really is no standard age at which a child will be ready to start potty training. However, most children demonstrate the needed to start training when they are between 18 months and 3 years of age. Girls also tend to be ready a little earlier than boys.

The checklist below will help you to understand and keep track of your child’s progress. There is no need to wait until your child is demonstrating everything on the checklist before starting to potty train. It will be more about identifying a need for independence and understanding what it means to go to the toilet like a big kid!

Physical Signs of Readiness

  • Your child has regular, soft poos at predictable times of day and doesn’t poo during the night-time.
  • Your child had dry periods of 1-2 hours during the day or wakes up after a sleep with a dry nappy. This demonstrates that your child’s bladder muscles are developed enough to enable him to hold urine and store in his bladder.
  • Can pull his pants and trousers up and down with minimal assistance.
  • Demonstrates an interest in going to the toilet like a grown up.

Behavioural Signs of Readiness

  • Demonstrates a wish to please others and enjoys regular praise.
  • Shows a desire for independence.
  • Demonstrates signs of discomfort when his nappy is wet or dirty

Cognitive Signs of Readiness

  • Your child can understand and follow simple instructions such as do you need a wee? And where’s the potty?
  • Can identify the difference between wee and poo and has words for both.
  • Demonstrates an awareness when having a wee or poo.
  • Your child may tell you when he is needs a wee or poo before he does it.”

Thank you Katie!

Next week we will post her follow up advice – Top Tips for Successful Potty Training.